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Line 3 Line 3
Redondo Beach Pier - Downtown Long Beach
Route and Schedule (printable version)

Schedule Effective July 14, 2024


Interactive Map: Line 3

   Line 3 Eastbound Stop
   Line 3 Westbound Stop
   Line 3 Points of Interest


Make Connections To:
 L.A. Metro  (323) GOMETRO
 G-Trans  (310) 965-8888
 LADOT  (213, 310, 323 or 818) 808-2273


Schedule: Line 3

Line 3 East - Weekdays / Línea 3 Este - Entre Semana

Redondo Beach Pier Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)
5:15 5:27 5:34 5:44 5:54 6:01 6:07 6:20
5:35 5:47 5:55 6:05 6:15 6:23 6:29 6:44
5:55 6:07 6:14 6:24 6:34 6:41 6:47 7:00
6:17 6:29 6:36 6:46 6:56 7:03 7:09 7:22
6:35 6:48 6:58 7:11 7:21 7:29 7:37 7:54
7:00 7:13 7:23 7:38 7:49 7:59 8:07 8:24
7:30 7:43 7:53 8:08 8:19 8:29 8:37 8:54
8:06 8:19 8:27 8:39 8:49 8:56 9:04 9:20
8:36 8:49 8:57 9:09 9:19 9:26 9:34 9:50
9:01 9:16 9:25 9:40 9:50 9:58 10:05 10:20
9:27 9:42 9:51 10:06 10:16 10:24 10:31 10:46
9:46 10:01 10:10 10:25 10:35 10:43 10:50 11:05
10:03 10:19 10:28 10:46 10:55 11:04 11:12 11:27
10:32 10:47 10:58 11:12 11:23 11:31 11:43 12:00 pm
10:59 11:14 11:25 11:38 11:47 11:55 12:07 pm 12:24
11:25 11:41 11:50 12:08 pm 12:17 pm 12:26 pm 12:34 12:49
11:58 12:14 pm 12:24 pm 12:40 12:50 12:58 1:08 1:26
12:28 pm 12:44 12:54 1:10 1:20 1:28 1:38 1:56
12:59 1:15 1:25 1:41 1:51 1:59 2:09 2:27
1:23 1:41 1:53 2:09 2:19 2:27 2:38 2:56
1:43 2:01 2:13 2:29 2:39 2:47 2:58 3:16
2:07 2:29 2:41 2:57 3:07 3:15 3:27 3:45
2:37 2:59 3:11 3:27 3:37 3:45 3:57 4:15
3:02 3:24 3:36 4:02 4:12 4:20 4:30 4:50
3:35 3:54 4:06 4:27 4:37 4:45 4:57 5:19
4:05 4:24 4:37 4:55 5:05 5:15 5:25 5:45
4:39 4:58 5:10 5:30 5:40 5:50 6:00 6:18
5:04 5:23 5:35 5:52 6:02 6:11 6:21 6:38
5:31 5:48 6:00 6:17 6:26 6:36 6:45 7:01
6:04 6:21 6:33 6:48 6:58 7:07 7:16 7:31
6:37 6:54 7:06 7:21 7:31 7:40 7:49 8:04
7:09 7:24 7:34 7:44 7:54 8:02 8:10 8:25
7:24 7:39 7:49 7:59 8:09 8:17 8:25 8:40
7:50 8:03 8:13 8:23 8:32 8:39 8:47 8:59
8:20 8:33 8:43 8:53 9:02 9:09 9:17 9:29
8:46 9:00 9:09 9:18 9:27 9:33 9:39 9:51
9:08 9:22 9:31 9:40 9:49 9:55 10:01 10:13

Line 3 West - Weekdays / Línea 3 Oeste - Entre Semana

Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A) Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Carson St at Avalon Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Redondo Beach Pier
5:24 5:39 5:45 5:53 6:01 6:16 6:24 6:41
5:54 6:09 6:15 6:23 6:31 6:46 6:54 7:11
6:19 6:34 6:41 6:49 7:00 7:16 7:25 7:41
6:49 7:04 7:11 7:19 7:30 7:46 7:55 8:11
7:14 7:29 7:36 7:44 7:55 8:11 8:20 8:36
7:34 7:49 7:56 8:04 8:15 8:31 8:40 8:56
7:55 8:10 8:17 8:25 8:36 8:52 9:01 9:17
8:21 8:36 8:45 8:53 9:03 9:16 9:24 9:40
8:44 9:00 9:07 9:17 9:28 9:44 9:53 10:15
9:20 9:35 9:44 9:52 10:02 10:15 10:23 10:39
9:43 9:58 10:07 10:15 10:25 10:38 10:46 11:02
10:08 10:23 10:32 10:39 10:49 11:02 11:11 11:27
10:38 10:53 11:01 11:09 11:18 11:32 11:41 11:57
11:06 11:23 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:04 pm 12:12 pm 12:28 pm
11:28 11:45 11:52 12:02 pm 12:12 pm 12:26 12:34 12:50
11:50 12:07 pm 12:14 pm 12:24 12:34 12:48 12:56 1:12
12:15 pm 12:31 12:39 12:48 12:58 1:13 1:23 1:42
12:43 12:59 1:07 1:16 1:28 1:41 1:51 2:12
1:12 1:27 1:35 1:43 1:55 2:13 2:22 2:42
1:47 2:05 2:14 2:21 2:32 2:47 2:56 3:14
2:15 2:31 2:40 2:50 3:02 3:19 3:28 3:46
2:49 3:05 3:14 3:24 3:36 3:53 4:02 4:20
3:13 3:29 3:38 3:48 4:00 4:17 4:26 4:44
3:42 3:58 4:07 4:14 4:23 4:37 4:47 5:08
4:15 4:32 4:40 4:50 5:02 5:17 5:28 5:47
4:45 5:02 5:10 5:20 5:32 5:47 5:58 6:17
5:20 5:36 5:43 5:51 6:02 6:16 6:26 6:44
5:40 5:56 6:03 6:11 6:22 6:36 6:46 7:04
6:04 6:20 6:28 6:35 6:45 6:57 7:07 7:25
6:39 6:53 7:01 7:08 7:17 7:27 7:35 7:56
7:04 7:19 7:26 7:33 7:46 7:55 8:03 8:17
7:29 7:44 7:51 7:58 8:11 8:20 8:28 8:42
8:04 8:17 8:24 8:30 8:41 8:50 8:57 9:09
8:29 8:42 8:49 8:55 9:06 9:15 9:22 9:34
8:59 9:12 9:19 9:25 9:36 9:45 9:52 10:04


Line 3 East - Saturday / Línea 3 Este - Sábado

Redondo Beach Pier Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)
5:40 5:50 5:57 6:06 6:13 6:18 6:25 6:39
6:16 6:26 6:33 6:42 6:49 6:54 7:01 7:15
6:52 7:05 7:14 7:26 7:34 7:41 7:48 8:03
7:12 7:25 7:34 7:46 7:54 8:01 8:08 8:23
7:32 7:45 7:54 8:06 8:14 8:21 8:28 8:43
7:52 8:05 8:14 8:26 8:34 8:41 8:48 9:03
8:25 8:41 8:49 9:02 9:09 9:19 9:26 9:44
8:46 9:00 9:09 9:21 9:31 9:44 9:52 10:11
9:01 9:15 9:24 9:36 9:46 9:59 10:07 10:26
9:26 9:40 9:49 10:01 10:11 10:24 10:32 10:51
9:52 10:06 10:15 10:27 10:37 10:50 10:58 11:17
10:20 10:34 10:45 10:58 11:08 11:22 11:26 11:44
10:54 11:11 11:22 11:37 11:47 11:56 12:04 pm 12:24 pm
11:20 11:37 11:48 12:03 pm 12:13 pm 12:22 pm 12:30 12:50
11:53 12:10 pm 12:21 pm 12:36 12:46 12:55 1:03 1:23
12:23 pm 12:40 12:51 1:06 1:16 1:25 1:33 1:53
12:45 1:02 1:13 1:28 1:38 1:47 1:55 2:15
1:14 1:31 1:42 1:57 2:07 2:16 2:24 2:44
1:44 2:00 2:11 2:25 2:31 2:39 2:45 3:11
2:21 2:39 2:51 3:05 3:14 3:25 3:31 3:55
2:49 3:07 3:19 3:33 3:42 3:53 3:59 4:23
3:24 3:42 3:52 4:02 4:16 4:20 4:26 4:45
3:54 4:12 4:24 4:43 4:54 5:04 5:14 5:33
4:20 4:39 4:51 5:10 5:21 5:31 5:40 5:57
4:42 5:01 5:13 5:32 5:43 5:53 6:02 6:19
5:24 5:42 5:53 6:10 6:18 6:27 6:33 6:49
5:52 6:10 6:19 6:32 6:41 6:49 6:58 7:16
6:20 6:38 6:47 7:00 7:09 7:17 7:26 7:44
6:55 7:13 7:22 7:35 7:44 7:52 8:01 8:19
7:29 7:46 7:55 8:10 8:19 8:29 8:38 8:55
8:04 8:17 8:27 8:36 8:42 8:48 8:54 9:09
8:45 8:57 9:05 9:14 9:21 9:27 9:34 9:49
9:05 9:17 9:25 9:34 9:41 9:47 9:54 10:09
9:27 9:39 9:47 9:56 10:03 10:09 10:16 10:31

Line 3 West - Saturday / Línea 3 Oeste - Sábado

Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A) Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Carson St at Avalon Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Redondo Beach Pier
5:29 5:41 5:46 5:54 6:01 6:07 6:18 6:32
5:50 6:02 6:07 6:15 6:22 6:28 6:39 6:53
6:06 6:18 6:23 6:31 6:38 6:44 6:55 7:09
6:21 6:34 6:40 6:48 6:57 7:08 7:16 7:32
6:54 7:07 7:13 7:21 7:30 7:41 7:49 8:05
7:15 7:28 7:34 7:42 7:51 8:02 8:10 8:26
7:30 7:43 7:49 7:57 8:06 8:17 8:25 8:41
7:55 8:08 8:14 8:22 8:31 8:42 8:50 9:06
8:23 8:37 8:43 8:49 8:58 9:10 9:18 9:34
8:38 8:52 8:59 9:09 9:18 9:33 9:41 9:59
9:03 9:17 9:27 9:37 9:44 10:09 10:20 10:37
9:26 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:07 10:32 10:43 11:00
9:59 10:13 10:23 10:33 10:40 11:05 11:16 11:33
10:31 10:45 10:52 11:01 11:09 11:24 11:32 11:51
10:46 11:00 11:07 11:16 11:24 11:39 11:47 12:06
11:11 11:25 11:32 11:41 11:49 12:05 pm 12:15 pm 12:33 pm
11:32 11:46 11:53 12:02 pm 12:10 pm 12:26 12:36 12:54
12:00 pm 12:14 pm 12:21 pm 12:30 12:38 12:54 1:04 1:22
12:39 12:53 1:00 1:09 1:17 1:33 1:43 2:01
1:05 1:20 1:27 1:36 1:45 2:00 2:09 2:28
1:39 1:53 2:00 2:08 2:16 2:30 2:40 2:59
2:08 2:23 2:32 2:41 2:50 3:04 3:15 3:33
2:33 2:48 2:57 3:06 3:15 3:29 3:40 3:58
2:59 3:14 3:23 3:32 3:41 3:55 4:06 4:24
3:34 3:49 3:58 4:07 4:16 4:30 4:41 4:59
4:10 4:26 4:32 4:41 4:51 4:59 5:11 5:30
4:40 4:56 5:02 5:11 5:21 5:29 5:41 6:00
5:15 5:30 5:40 5:47 5:55 6:10 6:19 6:36
5:57 6:11 6:18 6:26 6:35 6:45 6:52 7:06
6:37 6:51 6:58 7:06 7:15 7:25 7:32 7:46
7:15 7:30 7:36 7:44 7:53 8:03 8:10 8:24
7:36 7:48 7:54 8:05 8:10 8:20 8:29 8:41
8:05 8:17 8:24 8:29 8:38 8:48 8:54 9:07
8:39 8:51 8:58 9:03 9:12 9:22 9:28 9:41
9:15 9:27 9:34 9:39 9:48 9:58 10:04 10:17
9:39 9:51 9:58 10:03 10:12 10:22 10:28 10:41


Line 3 East- Sunday / Línea 3 Este - Domingo

Redondo Beach Pier Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)
5:35 5:43 5:52 5:59 6:05 6:11 6:17 6:34
6:06 6:14 6:23 6:30 6:36 6:42 6:48 7:05
6:20 6:29 6:36 6:49 6:57 7:05 7:12 7:30
6:48 6:57 7:04 7:17 7:25 7:33 7:40 7:58
7:10 7:19 7:26 7:39 7:47 7:55 8:02 8:20
7:32 7:41 7:48 8:01 8:09 8:17 8:24 8:42
8:10 8:20 8:27 8:37 8:45 8:52 9:01 9:16
8:53 9:04 9:12 9:25 9:35 9:41 9:50 10:06
9:27 9:41 9:49 10:02 10:13 10:19 10:29 10:49
9:45 9:59 10:07 10:20 10:31 10:37 10:47 11:07
10:15 10:28 10:36 10:49 11:01 11:07 11:14 11:29
10:38 10:50 10:59 11:11 11:21 11:28 11:36 11:54
11:08 11:20 11:29 11:41 11:51 11:58 12:06 pm 12:24 pm
11:42 11:57 12:07 pm 12:22 pm 12:33 pm 12:41 pm 12:53 1:10
12:06 pm 12:21 pm 12:31 12:46 12:57 1:05 1:17 1:34
12:41 12:56 1:06 1:21 1:32 1:40 1:52 2:09
1:01 1:16 1:26 1:41 1:52 2:00 2:12 2:29
1:28 1:43 1:53 2:07 2:15 2:25 2:33 2:52
2:06 2:23 2:34 2:48 2:57 3:06 3:14 3:32
2:44 3:01 3:12 3:26 3:35 3:44 3:52 4:10
3:10 3:28 3:39 3:57 4:06 4:14 4:22 4:38
3:33 3:51 4:02 4:20 4:29 4:37 4:45 5:01
3:58 4:17 4:27 4:41 4:53 5:01 5:10 5:28
4:23 4:41 4:51 5:06 5:16 5:24 5:32 5:52
4:44 5:02 5:12 5:27 5:37 5:45 5:53 6:13
5:33 5:44 5:58 6:12 6:20 6:30 6:38 6:53
6:14 6:28 6:38 6:50 6:57 7:05 7:13 7:30
7:02 7:16 7:26 7:39 7:46 7:56 8:03 8:19
7:26 7:40 7:50 8:03 8:10 8:20 8:27 8:43
7:51 8:06 8:15 8:27 8:35 8:42 8:51 9:07
8:23 8:38 8:47 8:57 9:07 9:14 9:21 9:37
8:56 9:11 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:47 9:54 10:10

Line 3 West - Sunday / Línea 3 Oeste - Domingo

Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A) Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl Main St at Sepulveda Bl Carson St at Avalon Bl Carson St at Western Av Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl Redondo Beach Pier
5:25 5:37 5:44 5:50 5:57 6:08 6:15 6:27
5:48 6:00 6:07 6:13 6:20 6:31 6:38 6:50
6:10 6:22 6:29 6:35 6:42 6:53 7:00 7:12
6:49 7:01 7:08 7:14 7:21 7:32 7:39 7:51
7:31 7:43 7:50 7:56 8:03 8:14 8:21 8:33
7:48 8:02 8:09 8:18 8:27 8:39 8:48 9:05
8:13 8:28 8:34 8:41 8:53 9:04 9:12 9:28
8:35 8:50 8:56 9:03 9:15 9:26 9:34 9:50
8:58 9:13 9:19 9:26 9:38 9:49 9:57 10:13
9:31 9:45 9:52 10:01 10:10 10:22 10:31 10:48
10:00 10:14 10:21 10:30 10:39 10:51 11:00 11:17
10:27 10:41 10:50 10:57 11:07 11:19 11:30 11:48
11:06 11:21 11:28 11:36 11:44 11:58 12:08 pm 12:23 pm
11:24 11:39 11:46 11:54 12:02 pm 12:16 pm 12:26 12:41
11:47 12:02 pm 12:09 pm 12:17 pm 12:25 12:39 12:49 1:04
12:24 pm 12:39 12:46 12:54 1:02 1:16 1:26 1:41
12:56 1:11 1:18 1:26 1:34 1:48 1:58 2:13
1:31 1:45 1:52 2:04 2:11 2:26 2:35 2:52
1:50 2:04 2:11 2:23 2:30 2:45 2:54 3:11
2:24 2:39 2:46 2:54 3:05 3:18 3:24 3:42
2:45 3:00 3:07 3:15 3:26 3:39 3:45 4:03
3:07 3:21 3:27 3:38 3:48 3:59 4:09 4:24
3:51 4:05 4:12 4:20 4:29 4:41 4:49 5:08
4:25 4:41 4:48 4:57 5:05 5:21 5:28 5:46
4:58 5:14 5:21 5:30 5:38 5:54 6:01 6:19
5:16 5:31 5:38 5:49 6:00 6:14 6:21 6:40
5:46 6:01 6:08 6:14 6:23 6:37 6:45 7:01
6:14 6:29 6:36 6:42 6:51 7:05 7:13 7:29
6:43 6:58 7:05 7:11 7:20 7:34 7:42 7:58
7:21 7:36 7:43 7:49 7:58 8:12 8:20 8:36
8:00 8:14 8:21 8:28 8:38 8:48 8:55 9:11
8:34 8:47 8:54 9:00 9:09 9:17 9:24 9:38
9:00 9:13 9:20 9:26 9:35 9:43 9:50 10:04
9:23 9:36 9:43 9:49 9:58 10:06 10:13 10:27


Stops List: Line 3

203001 - Redondo Beach Pier
203003 - Torrance Bl at Broadway
203005 - Torrance Bl at Pacific Coast Hwy
203007 - Torrance Bl at Camino Real & Helberta Av
203009 - Torrance Bl at Juanita Av
203011 - Torrance Bl at Prospect Av
203013 - Torrance Bl at Henrietta St
203015 - Torrance Bl at Palos Verdes Bl
203017 - Torrance Bl at Victor St
203019 - Torrance Bl at Anza Av
203021 - Torrance Bl at Earl St
564063 - Hawthorne Bl at Torrance Bl
213025 - Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl
213029 - Carson St at Madrona Av
213031 - Carson St at Maple Av
213033 - Carson St at Hickory Av
213035 - Carson St at Fern Av
213037 - Carson St at Crenshaw Bl
213039 - Carson St at Plaza Del Amo
213041 - Carson St at Manuel Av
213043 - Carson St at Arlington Av
213045 - Carson St at Cabrillo Av
213047 - Carson St at Abalone Av
213049 - Carson St at Western Av
213051 - Carson St at Denker Av
213053 - Carson St at Normandie Av
213055 - Carson St at Budlong Av
213057 - Carson St at Vermont Av (Harbor-UCLA Medical Center)
213059 - Carson St at Vermont Av
213061 - Carson St at Figueroa St
213063 - Carson St at Moneta Av
213065 - Carson St at Main St
213067 - Carson St at Dolores St
213069 - Carson St at Grace Av
213071 - Carson St at Avalon Bl
734035 - Avalon Bl at 220th St
225039 - 223rd St at Avalon Bl
225037 - 223rd St at Grace Av
225035 - 223rd St at Dolores St
714025 - Main St at 223rd St
714023 - Main St at 228th St
714021 - Main St at 234th St
714019 - Main St at Sepulveda Bl
714017 - Main St & Wilmington Bl at Lomita Bl
714015 - Wilmington Bl at Q St
714013 - Wilmington Bl at Sandison St
513069 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Wilmington Bl
513071 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Neptune Av
513073 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Island Av
513075 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl
513077 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Eubank Av
513079 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Sanford Av
513081 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Watson Av
513083 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Blinn Av
513085 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Hayes Av
513087 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av
513089 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Oregon Av & Maine Av
513091 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Magnolia Av & Henderson Av
794027 - Pacific Av at Pacific Coast Hwy
794023 - Pacific Av at 15th St
794019 - Pacific Av at Anaheim St
794015 - Pacific Av at 10th St
794009 - Pacific Av at 7th St
814013 - Long Beach Bl at 6th St
814007 - Long Beach Bl at 3rd St
345509 - Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)


345509 - Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)
792003 - Pacific Av at Broadway
792007 - Pacific Av at 5th St
792009 - Pacific Av at 7th St
792015 - Pacific Av at 10th St
792019 - Pacific Av at Anaheim St
792023 - Pacific Av at 15th St
515099 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Pacific Av
515095 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Magnolia Av
515093 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Maine Av
515091 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av
515089 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Judson Av
515087 - 2101 Pacific Coast Hwy
515085 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Blinn Av
515083 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Watson Av
515081 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Sanford Av
515079 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Eubank Av
515077 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl
515075 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Island Av
515073 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Neptune Av
515071 - Pacific Coast Hwy at Wilmington Bl
712013 - Wilmington Bl at Sandison St
712015 - Wilmington Bl at Q St
712017 - Wilmington Bl & Main St at Lomita Bl
712019 - Main St at Sepulveda Bl
712021 - Main St at 233rd St
712023 - Main St at 228th St
712025 - Main St at 223rd St
223035 - 223rd St at Dolores St
223037 - 223rd St at Grace Av
732033 - Avalon Bl at 223rd St
732035 - Avalon Bl at 220th St
215067 - Carson St at Avalon Bl
215065 - Carson St at Grace Av
215063 - Carson St at Dolores St
215061 - Carson St at Main St
215059 - Carson St at Moneta Av
215057 - Carson St at Figueroa St
215055 - Carson St at Vermont Av
215053 - Carson St at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
215051 - Carson St at Budlong Av
215049 - Carson St at Normandie Av
215047 - Carson St at Denker Av
215045 - Carson St at Western Av
215043 - Carson St at Cabrillo Av
215041 - Carson St at Arlington Av
215039 - Carson St at Manuel Av
215037 - Carson St at Acacia Av
215035 - Carson St at Crenshaw Bl
215033 - Carson St at Fern Av
215031 - Carson St at Hickory Av
215029 - Carson St at Maple Av
215027 - Carson St at Madrona Av
215025 - Carson St at Del Amo Circle Bl
215023 - Carson St at Hawthorne Bl
562059 - Hawthorne Bl at Carson St
205023 - Torrance Bl at Hawthorne Bl
205021 - Torrance Bl at Earl St
205019 - Torrance Bl at Anza Av
205017 - Torrance Bl at Victor St
205015 - Torrance Bl at Palos Verdes Bl
205013 - Torrance Bl at Henrietta St
205011 - Torrance Bl at Prospect Av
205009 - Torrance Bl at Juanita Av
205007 - Torrance Bl at Camino Real & Helberta Av
205005 - Torrance Bl at Pacific Coast Hwy
205003 - Torrance Bl at Broadway
203001 - Redondo Beach Pier